Jomalig Island on a DIY Trip

Nothing beats monotony of life than embark into a long road trip with friends. And once a year, Delai Lama puts it that we should travel to some place we have never been before.  Traveling breaks the redundancy and boredom of life. It pacifies exhaustion, and helps us back on track again.

Last weekend, I had an opportunity to unwind somewhere, to a remote island rarely visited by travelers which made the whole adventure more exvii and memorable.

I was with my colleagues, Rapid, Mikko and Angge. And together, we conquered the odds and embarked into a thrill of wonder, experiencing a life in the island, in an off-the-beaten track atmosphere.

It was a surreal moment as we traversed the rugged countryside, explored the gorgeous beaches and enjoyed the clear water. Life in the island is truly fascinating!

Had so much memories to keep from this adventure. The moments of fun. The joy of being in a remote island. The fresh air. Balmy surroundings. And yes, fresh food! It's good to be with friends discovering things in an out-of-town adventure. It makes life more meaningful and exciting.

Photo credit for above photos: Rapid Canonizado

For details of our trip, check my travel site Gourmand Travel Guide

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