Merry Christmas everyone! This is the time of the year that most of us love so much because of its festive vibe and the atmosphere of happiness, generosity, love, and unity.
Personally, I love the Christmas season because it brings back happy childhood memories. It reminds me of a wonderful life in the province. Hearing classic Christmas songs played on air gives me assurance that things will get better soon no matter how hard life is.

The Christmas season gives me hope. It helps bring back my eroding self-confidence. The sparkling decorations and the festive mode everywhere always give me joy with the thought of a promising life ahead.
Indeed, it's the most wonderful time of the year!

Unlike in the previous Christmas celebrations, I don't have any travel plans at the moment. Just stay at home and enjoy the holiday seasons, writing blogs, fixing things in my room, watching movies, and figuring out what to do next in the coming year.
I feel like I am in limbo, unable to determine what kind of life I am going to choose. It's so crazy to think that at my age I am still in the middle of nowhere unable to decide correctly what to do with my life.

What's wrong with me???!!!
This Christmas season I need to come up with a specific plan, a clear direction, and a realistic goal to map out my future so that I can work it out, or else time will pass me by.
Maybe I am a bad decision-maker. I made so many bad decisions in my life so I am still trapped in this predicament, unable to pursue my dreams or make things happen.
It felt like each endeavor I pursued always ended up in failure when my intention was to make a difference and see improvement in my life. Still, everything did not yield a good result.
I really don't know why. Despite my good intentions and determination to succeed and make my life better, I still ended up in defeat and failure.
Sometimes it's already tiring but I should not let my hope and dreams be dampened by failures. I need to move on change directions and find ways to make up for all those failures.
Perhaps, there's something I need to fix. Perhaps, I am hesitant and not courageous enough to take risks or not determined enough to pursue attainable and realistic goals.
So I will use this Christmas season to figure out what's better to do with my life. Instead of getting discouraged by what happened, I should make measurable and attainable plans to steer back myself in the right direction of my dreams.
I should not compare my life with others because I believe we have our own timeline, we progress based on our own clock, and we race at our own pace. I guess minding our own business (and not comparing it with other's progress) is the best secret to happiness.
I figured we get depressed when things don’t happen the way we expected it. As though life is a race and we are scared of being left behind.
We live in a society that abhors failure. We live in a society that sees life as a competition. As though there is always something that people need to accomplish at a certain age or time. And if we don’t accomplish these deadlines, we start existing in this vicious cycle of feeling unaccomplished. We start questioning why we aren’t where we were meant to be. We start comparing our timelines to other people’s timelines.
Relax self! Your time to shine will come. You need not to be hurry. Just exist based on your own pace and timeline. Someday, things will get better.
Praying for those who have lost their loved ones due to famine, war, and disasters. May those who are deprived of joy, peace, and love, find happiness and everlasting peace soon.
Merry Christmas! Peace on earth!